2018 Interior Design Trends for Offices

2018 Interior Design Trends for Offices

Posted by Bindertek on Feb 1st 2018

What do you picture when you hear the word “office?” As technology and design innovations advance, more and more workplaces are transforming themselves into highly aesthetic, interactive spaces that feel more like a home than the traditional office of yesteryear. If your office is considering a redesign, or if you’re simply curious about what’s on the horizon, check out these four office trends predicted to be big in 2018.

Bring Nature Inside

Office plants have exploded in popularity in the past few years. Studies have shown that adding plants to the workplace can improve employee morale and productivity. The benefits of plants don’t stop there—many plants are air purifiers and can absorb common volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found indoors. Some companies are taking the benefits of plants even further by adding live walls, rooftop gardens, and other large displays to really bring the feeling of the outdoors inside the workplace. Plants pair well with other eco-friendly improvement trends like using sustainable materials, powering the office with renewable energy, and encouraging local sourcing of products when possible.

Flexible Spaces

As telecommuting becomes more prevalent, workplaces can free up traditional cubicle or individual office space to create flexible, multifunctional spaces. Collaborative, “Third Space” zones are open to daily use to employees and can be utilized for company meetings, events, training, and more. Hotdesking allows for employees to work at the office one day, at home the next, and in an open space the third, choosing the environment that best suits their working style or current project. Movable walls and adjustable, multipurpose furniture fit this trend nicely.

Textures Abound

Like plants, textures are an easy way to refresh an office. Combining multiple textures will add a modern, eye-pleasing touch without requiring the addition of bright, flashy colors which might not fit your brand. For example, wood, fabric, stone, and plastic can all be combined in the same neutral hue for a conservative look that’s anything but boring. And unlike the full redesign required to create a new floor plan, add textural elements to your existing workplace with accessories like pottery and plants, paintings or wall hangings, and new upholstery for key furniture pieces.

Unconventional Offices

Start-ups and tech companies are increasingly adding unconventional design features to their offices in hopes of attracting top talent and making headlines with their Instagrammable workplaces. Millennial members of the workforce respond especially well to these design choices. Open and flexible spaces also help promote collaboration. As always, keep your needs in mind and be realistic about what will work for your office. Draw inspiration from this trend by adding a quirky decorative touch that fits your industry, rather than trying to turn your law office into the next Facebook headquarters.

Are any of these trends right for your office?