The Three Binders Everyone Needs

The Three Binders Everyone Needs

Posted by Julie Morgenstern on May 10th 2017

Quick: do you know where your birth certificate is? What about the instruction manual for your cell phone? How about the receipts and paperwork for filing your taxes?

If you are like most people, those very questions make your chest tighten and stomach lurch. Chances are, these valuable papers are buried somewhere, in some random stacks that contain everything from your insurance policies and pay stubs to grocery receipts—leaving you lost in mountains of chaos. Binders are not only a great way to corral paper, but a great way to categorize important documents so that you can instantly find what you’re looking for. Secure your important documents in top-quality binders.

Here are the three binders every household needs:

  • Tax Papers: These pre-filled Income Tax Index Tabs make it easy to instantly file pay stubs, bank statements, charitable deductions, and relevant business expenses such as gas, mileage, meals, entertainment. Be mindful to instantly file receipts and statements as you go throughout the year—next April you can hand the whole thing over to your accountant, or do your own online tax filing, and your papers will already be presorted for you.
  • Vital Documents: File your most important papers, like birth certificates, marriage certificates, social security numbers, education and medical records in one place, and keep them safe with Sheet Protectors. Use Write On Index Tabs to make locating your vital documents easy. Include obscure identification like medical insurance, Voter’s Registration and health club memberships, as well as financial information like bank, investment accounts, and insurance policies. Photocopy the contents of your wallet, and copy both sides of each card! If your wallet ever disappears, cancel the cards by calling the phone numbers listed on the sheet.
  • Warranties: Create Custom Tabs for appliances, electronics, vehicles, and any guaranteed home repairs. Insert relevant manuals, warranties and receipts from original purchase. When your cell phone dies, or your refrigerator stops blowing cold air, you’ll be happy you can pull the binder off the shelf, and instantly get your hands on the warranty, the serial number and the list of local repair centers.

Knowing exactly where your most critical documents are will give you peace of mind, and create a centralized system that members of your family can rely on. It also makes handling any emergency much easier. Who needs extra stress in the middle of a crisis?

Written by Julie Morgenstern

For over 25 years, New York Times bestselling author and organizational consultant Julie Morgenstern has transformed the way individuals and companies function around the globe, including American Express, Microsoft, FedEx, and the NYC Mayor’s Office.

Her cutting edge advice has been featured on programs from The Oprah Winfrey Show to Good Morning America and NPR, and she is regularly featured in a variety of print magazines and publications, including Forbes, Harvard Business review, and The Wall Street Journal.

In today’s fast-paced culture, professional success often seems synonymous with long days, never-ending to-do lists, and sleepless nights. But it doesn’t have to be that way.